Log Inoculation Kit
Log Inoculation Kit
This is an all-in-one kit for the cultivation of mushrooms on logs. We provide you with:
approx. 200 myceliated dowels
8mm drill bit with depth collar for precise drilling
1 pouch wax for melting and applying over the inoculation sites
brush for applying the wax
step-by-step instructions for exactly what you need to do to grow a beautiful crop of mushrooms!
Our Extraction Process
Our mushrooms are triple extracted using alcohol, hot water and pressure (very high temperatures). But first is the harvest! We harvest our mushrooms by hand on our farm with care and attention paid to every mushroom we pick (this is one of our favorite tasks on the farm).The next step is to dehydrate and powder the mushrooms for extraction in high proof organic ethanol. This is a process that takes 4 weeks, with the mixture shaken every day. We then do a final pass of this solution through a heated mixer for 4-6 hours. Next we harvest more mushrooms to use fresh in our water extracts. The first is a long extract at lower temperatures that are specific to each species of mushroom and their unique profiles, and the next (using separate mushrooms again) is a high pressure extract in an autoclave. Finally, we filter and evaporate all of these solutions to concentrate to our final 1:4 super-strength ratio (its a lot of evaporation!).
All of this is to pull out as much of those wonderfully helpful compounds (both alcohol and water soluble) from the mushrooms as possible and to give you the best mushroom tincture we can - a product we are proud to stand behind!