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Reishi, Hawthorn & Rosehip Tincture

Reishi, Hawthorn & Rosehip Tincture

Regular price £30.00 GBP
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Heart - Blood - Immunity 

This tincture is made with 100% fruiting body of wild native UK Reishi strains and commercial strains, as well as wild-foraged Hawthorn and Rosehip in the hedgerows around our farm, completely clean of any agricultural chemical sprays.

- Short supply chain, full traceability and sustainably produced - We grow, bottle and extract everything in-house, so we have complete control over the quality and care taken to make these tinctures, no blind spots, no fillers, no questionable mushrooms.

- 1:8 triple extract mushroom tincture. We use several extraction methods and a high rate of mushroom to provide the best tinctures we can.


Heart and Blood Health

This is a tincture specially formulated with the heart in mind. Here’s why:

Studies suggest that Reishi lowers bad cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, and helps improve fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes. In our blend, this is bolstered by Rosehip which has been found to significantly reduce systolic blood pressure and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels. Rosehip (as well as Reishi) has also been shown to aid in blood-sugar regulation.

Studies into the use of Hawthorn as an anti inflammatory aid suggest that extracts protect against Coronary Heart Disease by reducing inflammation and inhibiting macrophage activity. Hawthorn also had a significant improvement in symptom control and physiological outcomes when used as an adjunctive treatment for Chronic Congestive Heart Failure. 


The fungal beta-glucans in Reishi enhance immune function by activating macrophages and natural Killer cells, as well as improving resilience to infections. Reishi’s Triterpenes provide anti-inflammatory and anti viral effects, protecting cells from oxidative stress. 

Rosehip is one of the highest natural sources of vitamin C found in the UK, containing 30 times more vitamin C than oranges. Along with bioflavonoid and polyphenol content, Rosehip helps to reduce inflammation, promote the generation of white blood cells and protect our immune system from viral and bacterial infections.

Hawthorn is also an anti-inflammatory that combats oxidative stress as well as helping to clear mucus from the lungs. Along with its cardiovascular support, hawthorn provides broad spectrum immune boost.

History and Folk Medicine

All three of these organisms are steeped in folklore, myth and traditional medicinal uses. From the Daoists of china’s reverence of Reishi as an ‘immortality elixir’, to the Hawthorn tree’s deep association with Fairies and as a gateway to the Otherworld, to the countless use of the Rose, its thorns, berries and flowers in stories old and new, these three living things have occupied a special place in human consciousness and in our connection to an ‘otherworldy’ or spiritual realm.

It seems that a central node that links all of these beautiful living things, whether in Folk medicine, biomedicine, or myth, is one of the heart - the rose and its gift, its association with love and romance, Hawthorn and its association with love and fertility in european traditions, and Reishi’s astonishing aesthetic (when it grows in a fruiting room dripping with humidity, it literally looks like a beating heart). It is one of those moments we are seeing more and more of, where old wisdom and observation woven into myth and story is an analogue for its use in traditional medicine, only to be confirmed in a different way (sometimes thousands of years later) by science and its material lens.     


  • Mushroom Fruiting Body.
  • Organic Ethanol (30%ABV)
  • Spring Water

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Our Extraction Process

Our mushrooms are triple extracted using alcohol, hot water and pressure (very high temperatures). But first is the harvest! We harvest our mushrooms by hand on our farm with care and attention paid to every mushroom we pick (this is one of our favorite tasks on the farm).The next step is to dehydrate and powder the mushrooms for extraction in high proof organic ethanol. This is a process that takes 4 weeks, with the mixture shaken every day. We then do a final pass of this solution through a heated mixer for 4-6 hours. Next we harvest more mushrooms to use fresh in our water extracts. The first is a long extract at lower temperatures that are specific to each species of mushroom and their unique profiles, and the next (using separate mushrooms again) is a high pressure extract in an autoclave. Finally, we filter and evaporate all of these solutions to concentrate to our final 1:4 super-strength ratio (its a lot of evaporation!).

All of this is to pull out as much of those wonderfully helpful compounds (both alcohol and water soluble) from the mushrooms as possible and to give you the best mushroom tincture we can - a product we are proud to stand behind!